
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ragnarok Online 2 Swordman Guide

swordman is a powerful melee class in RO2, have the greatest defend than another class, when you have reached level 25 can choose to change into a 2nd class, knight or warrior

if you wanna be a tanker, select knight
If you would prefer to dps, select warrior
below is a list of skill of swordman:

Head Crush, This is your DOT(Damage Over Time) skill, You can maximize this skill or leave it at level 1, your choice.

Bash, This is the main skill of swordman, you should maximize this skill.

Provoke, This skill is useful to lure a monster, increase to level 1 only.

Magnum Break, skills should not be used by swordman, no need to be raised, leave it at level 0.

Battle Order, a very useful skill, str increase 10% for 30 minutes at the maximum level, you have to maximize this skill.

Mass Provoke, This skill is useful to provoke all the monsters around you, just raised to level 1.

Battle Tactics, skills that are not obviously useful for swordman, leave it at level 0.

Aura Strike, Your second main skill, maximize this skill.

Aura Blade, skill that adds 10% atk at the maximum level, good but can not be used with aura armor skill, max this skill if you are planning to be a warrior or leave it at level 1.

Aura Armor, add 5% damage reduction 20% maximum hp and 300% threat for 30 minutes at maximum level, maximize this skill if you gonna be a knight.

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