
Monday, February 25, 2013

Ragnarok Online 2 Rogue Guide

Upon reaching level 25 Thief could turn into the next class, one of them is Rogue. Rogue uses dual dagger weapon, have high attack speed and good critical hit, Rogue also has survival skills that make it unnecessary to buy healing potions when hunting.
Below is the skills of the Rogue: 
Smoke Bomb, this skill can deactivate battle status and hide, i tried this skill but not as good as described, even if you've been hiding status, you can still be hit by monsters. You can successfully use this skill when nothing or no one surrounding you, raise it to level 1 or leave it alone.

Gangster Paradise, recommended skill to learn for rogue, at max level can heal 12% HP per 1 combo point for 2s, so if you had full combo point can heal 12% HP  x 5 for 10s. Max this skill ASAP.

Mark of Death, mark a target to increase your damage, at max level it increase 10% of your damage, I kinda dont like this skill it has 2mins cooldown, you only need this skill when you fight boss, leave it alone or raise it, your choice.

Combo Mastery, I dont like this skill either, raise it to level 1 or max it, your choice.

Duel Stab, low damage skill but can obtain 2 combo point with this skill, raise it to level 1.

Crescent Moon, Knock down your enemy, every one combo point increase 1s effect duration, you should use this skill when you had full combo point. Raise it to level 1 or max it, your choice.

Dancing of Moonlight, this is the best attack skill for rogue, max this skill (had cool animation like sonic blow xD)

Dirty Plan, another excellent skill for rogue, obtain full combo point and reset cooldown of all skill, raise it to level 1 or max it, your choice.

Rolling Cutter, rogue is one-on-one, so this skill is not required, leave it alone.

Unstable Doping, this skill is very important for rogue, at max level have 20% chance to obtain attack power or critical boost by 20% for 30s, also when you used healing potion it will be corverting 10% of HP recovered by the healing potion into attack power. Max is 30% of your attack power for 3 minutes, to continue to use these skills, use HP pots before the duration runs out, Max this skill ASAP.

Click here to see Stat Calculator

Click here to see Skill Simulator
Click here to see my build skill for rogue

feel free to leave comments, maybe you have another opinion about this guide, so we can discuss it here.
Good luck and thank you :)

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