
Thursday, January 17, 2013

How to Make a Website

In creating a website there are a few things you need to prepare before you start.
First, you can ask a question to yourself is "What I aim to create a website?" By answering these questions can lead your mind to determine and answer the next question is, "Websites like what I'm going to make to achieve these goals and how how to make a website. "

Why begin by asking this question? Since the website is expected later that we made in accordance with what we want and can take us achieve the goals we want to create a website. Do not let the website is complete you have made but the website you created is not appropriate and can not be the media or the means to achieve your goals.

To create a website there are 3 main parts you need to understand are:

  1. Domain
  2. Hosting
  3. Software Website

Domain is the name or address of a website. On the Internet, everyone has to type a domain name in order to open and read the contents of a website. In this case, the role of domain name selection is important to differentiate your website with another website.

This domain consists of a domain name and extension. For example, google is a domain name and a. Com is its extension. Extension usually represents for certain categories such as. Com for commercial,. Net for networking purposes,. Org website for noncommercial purposes, and others.
Extension of all sorts, could be a TLD (Top Level Domain) such as. Com,. Net,. Org or there is also a form of cTLD (country Top Level Domain) such as.,. domain where id represents the country Indonesia .
To choose a domain name you can use a website that provides domain name registration services or by using domain software tools to help choose a domain name for your website.
When you use a website that provides domain name registration services, for example, you just enter a domain name that you like to check if it is still available or not.
You open guidelines and enter the name and extension you choose. If still available, you can perform the domain name registration.
cara membuat web

Try to choose a domain name with the extension. Com because it is more common and more known. Domain registration will be conducted annually, once a year you have to pay for the domain registration fee if you want to keep and use.
And if you do not do extended registration for the following year, then once your domain is expired, the domain will be open again to the public so others can register and use.
If you do not have a shadow for your domain name, you can use the domain tool to help you provide the domain name suggestions that you can use. You open and select Tabs "Suggestions". And enter the words you will use in your domain name. You can enter more than one word and separated by (,).

cara membuat website

And from this, you can use other facilities around the domain.
Tips in choosing a domain name such as:

1. Choose a domain name that is simple and easy to remember

2. Choose a domain name corresponding to represent the content and purpose of your website, to make it easier to remember the domain name or the address of your website will be.

3. When you use a domain name that long, try using a domain name that contains words common, so to avoid mistakes in writing the name of the domain.

4. You can use a dash (-) if you want.

5. Try to select a domain. Com

6. You can follow include keywords in your domain name to help the process of SEO (search engine optimization), so that your website appears in the search engines with a higher level.
In this step, you've got a domain name for your website.

Hosting is where you put your website files on a server connected to the Internet network. So in order for your website to be displayed, the website files you need to store on a server hosting. You need to buy a hosting package.
The price of a hosting package vary, depending on the facilities provided. You can buy a hosting package abroad and in Indonesia.
In choosing a hosting package, you are a few things to note:

1. Server systems are used whether Linux or Windows. This will determine the software and website programming language that can be used. Most people use Linux. You select Linux only.

2. Disk Space The amount given. Disk Space is the capacity of the server hosting that is given to you, to store your website files. As the amount of space to store your files on your computer. Obviously the best option is a hosting package that provides Disk Space to suit your needs.

3. The amount of bandwidth provided. Bandwidth is the capacity of a given monthly access to access your website. Every person who opens the website or download files from your website to be displayed on browser firefox or internet explorer it will download your file, it will take some bandwidth. Bandwidth and capacity usage will be reset every month.

4. Domains Allowed. The number of domains that can be used in a hosting package. You can use 1 piece hosting package for all your domain when hosting package gives access to it, and you also need to consider the amount of disk space and bandwiidth given, is it enough to run your domains.

5. Database allowable amount. Example for Linux, how many MySQL databases are allowed.
To purchase a domain and hosting is no need to do on a single company. You can buy them from different places. All you need to do is connect between the domain and hosting is by setting the DNS (Domain Name Server) in your domain account. This is done to connect the domain with hosting.

You can buy a domain and hosting at the following website:

1. For purchases in Indonesia, you can buy through which is a franchise of website hosting IDwebhost. Purchases through franchising website is cheaper than buying directly IDwebhost, approximately 8-10% of the price. The facilities and support provided by IDwebhost remain the same.

2. To purchase abroad either through
Every purchase domain and hosting overseas require payment by credit card or by PayPal, but you can get a package of unlimited domains, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited hosting, unlimited database for all of your website hosting so no need to buy another elsewhere.
You can compare prices and customize it to your needs, when you only need one website, you can buy a domain and hosting, but if you plan to make a lot of websites, so do not buy hosting every time, it would be more efficient to buy in Hostupon . com.

If you do not know the software you will be using the website, you can googling on the internet, to look at other websites that already exist, and see examples of websites that you feel is appropriate as the website you want.
You can check on an existing website, the website using what software? When the website using open source software websites such as blogs wordpress, joomla, phpbb, and others, of course you could make the same website. But please remember that you are in the example is the type of website, not copy the look, and content (content) website, it is not allowed.
To find the website software is used, can be done in 2 ways:

1. You check the link to the website in question, usually can be seen in the footer of his (the bottom of the website). For websites that use open source software (free of charge), you usually can see there is a link in the footer to the software maker's website.
You can download the software and install the software follow the manual installation instructions provided.
cara membuat website

2. The second way, you can look through the source code page through your browser. Usually there are also instructions on the web page source code.
cara membuat web

Once you buy a domain and hosting, as well as select software website, then you create a new website.

Hopefully this article useful, good luck and thank you :)

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